Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Business Mindset

I have been glued to the computer for 12+ hours this weekend. My schedule has been based on 15 minute breaks, set by a cast and crew taping LIVE from Seattle. I blew off friends, church and all responsibilities to soak up every moment of the FREE two day LIVE Photography Business workshop by Creative Live and yes... Jasmine Star.

There was so much information shared. Everything from contracts, posing and branding. I haven't even begun to look back through my notes yet to even know how many pages I have. If you are like me and are just starting out in your photography career, heck if you're an old pro, you MUST, I say MUST check out Creative Live. They are creating such a valuable service to this industry. The workshops are FREE when you watch the live recordings.

I have new perspective on my business. I feel empowered and confident. I view my self not just as an artist/photographer/entrepreneur... but as a business woman. I want to not only be able to enjoy living a creative life, but to also run a smart and successful business. I know there will be hick ups, let downs, tears and heart break through this journey, but today I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. I am confident in who I am and what my brand is becoming.

JStar and creative live


  1. Way to be Emily!! I watched a few segments, wish I could have seen the entire thing, but just hearing her talk inspires me. And there are so many others out there as well that could be doing this, its so great to find people like Jasmine, and yourself, who can be an inspiration to so many!

  2. If I lived in Ohio, I would have totally camped out with you and watched this!
