Thursday, May 26, 2011

Online Book Club

Well since Oprah's show is ending, I figured I'd fill her shoes and start a book club here on the ole blog... well sorta...

I started reading The War of Art: Break Through the Block and Win Your Inner Battles. This book title has been swirling around the photography industry lately and as much as I'm enjoying reading it alone, I think it would be even more enjoyable if I could share and gain enlightement with my friends here.

War of Art

The great thing about this book is that you don't have to be a photographer or even a creative person to get something out of this book. Want to run a marathon? Learn to cook like a gourmet chef or keep your house more organized? This book is for you.

The basic gist is that no matter what we want to accomplish in life, there's always this thing called "resistance", that keeps us from meeting those goals.

I hope you'll join me in picking up a copy! I'll give you a week or so to get one. Meet me back here on Monday June 6 to discuss the forward and first chapter: "Resistance's Greatest Hits". I'll have a thought provoking question, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on what it meant to you!

Invite your friends and anyone who you think might be interested. I really think we can make a bigger difference in this world by putting action to our ideas and dreams.

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